Saturday, December 28, 2019

Phase Iii - 969 Words

I. Employee Appraisal and Performance Evaluation: The performance appraisals at Initech are an essential process for the effective management and evaluation of the organization staff. They are conducted to help each Division develop their individual’s associates, improve their performance, and also for next fiscal years business planning purposes. Performance Appraisals will help to monitor standards, objectives, expectations, responsibilities, tasks, training needs and career succession planning. Also the employee appraisals are used for the evaluation of annual pay and grading reviews, which also coincides with the next year business planning. Performance appraisals at Initech are also important for staff motivation, for†¦show more content†¦Active in industry-related professional and/or community groups. Exceeded Expectations (4): Consistently meets and often exceeds all relevant performance standards as identified by Initech. Shows initiative and versatility, works collaboratively, has strong technical amp; interpersonal skills or has achieved significant improvement in these combined areas. Meets Expectations (3): Meets all relevant performance standards as identified by Initech. Seldom exceeds or falls short of desired results or objectives. Lacks appropriate level of skills or is inexperienced/still learning the scope of the job. Below Expectations (2): Sometimes meets the performance standards as identified by Initech. Seldom exceeds and often falls short of desired results. Performance has declined significantly, or employee has not sustained adequate improvement, as required since the last performance review or performance improvement plan. Needs Improvement (1): Consistently falls short of performance standards as identified by Initech. Instructions for Performance Evaluation Describe the associate contributions in each of the performance categories below. Provide examples since the last performance evaluation. Personal Attributes Score: 0% / 5.0 % Competency Ratings Scale Comments: (0%) Quality Completes high quality work according to specifications. Thoroughly follows standards and procedures. Keeps completeShow MoreRelatedPhase Iv Of The Phase II And Phase IIi1443 Words   |  6 PagesPhase IV Studies Before describing about how Phase IV studies is differ from the Phase II and Phase III trial, I would like to explain about how Phase I to Phase III Clinical trial is conducted. How Phase IV studies differ from Phase II and III studies? In Phase I study the safety of a drug or device is a priority and this initial testing phase can take several months to complete and generally includes 20 to 100 paid healthy volunteers in study. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Discrimination The Biggest Known Social Problems

Discrimination is one of the biggest known social problems that everyone will come across during their life. Everybody discriminates people in some type of way; this could range from big to small types of discrimination also. Sometimes people don’t even realize they are discriminating others either, because it has become such a normal thing. This could be something as simple as stating your own opinion, being rude, stereotyping, or even just cracking a joke to your buddies. The problem with doing those things is that you may be affecting someone a lot more then you are actually realizing. To you it could just come off as a playful joke, but to that person who would be the target; it could become a life threating type of joke. Discrimination of (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) LGBT individuals is the type of discrimination I will be talking about in this paper. This is one of the bigger problems that is happening globally right now, and it really is affecting more people than most people realize. The biggest problems to the â€Å"normal† person when it comes to a LGBT member is that they are viewed as different. They don’t follow the normal lifestyle when it comes to love, and interests. The normal way to live is supposed to be a man and a woman fall in love to create a family, because it works. Obviously if someone is interested in their own sex they can’t physically have kids together. To a lot of people that is a problem. People see it as disturbing, and un-natural. TheyShow MoreRelatedWhat Causes Juvenile Delinquency?758 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Causes and Solutions of Juvenile Delinquency Posted by:  March 15, 2013 in  Adolescence,  Family and Parenting  Leave a comment Juvenile  delinquency  is also known as teenage crime. It is like any crime that human beings commit but these crime differ becasue they are committed by young people. 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She would become really popular, and she would b e would be known as â€Å"The Voice of the Youth.† The bookRead MoreProblems With The Health Insurance1489 Words   |  6 Pageshave many problems that society may view as harmful or problems that need a remedy to fix, there problems are called a social problem. Social problems can range from school problems to drug problems. Each person in America can have their own opinion of what a social problem is to them. Just like with time, social problems will change, some will come and some will go. So, for right now in time one of the biggest social problems I can see in America is the healthcare. There are many problems with theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Socialization1003 Words   |  5 Pagescommonly known as Socialization, but that is only a part of what socialization is all about. Socialization is about an individual acquiring a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position. A class divided is about a third grade classroom that does a activity that divided the class by their eye color. The obvious reason for this activity was to teach a hard to grip subject for younger kids. Discrimination towardsRead MoreSexual Harassment Laws Essays581 Words   |  3 Pages Sexual harassment is one of the biggest problems facing our schools and businesses today. A week rarely goes by without a reminder of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment as a social problem. The definition of sexual harassment is any unwanted or inappropriate sexual attention. That includes touching, looks, comments, or gestures. A key part of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Critical Evaluation of

Question: You are required to write a report on the critical evaluation of 10 Websites in 5 given groups types of e-commerce for a Business Manager. Answer: Introduction The e-commerce websites are increasing at an incredible rate. These online websites are not restricted by the geographical boundaries. Shopping enthusiast are buying goods at their convenience. In spite of these advantages some of the e-commerce websites are performing poorly failing on the primary ground. There are certain pitfalls that are causing hindrance to the online websites. In order to increase the usability it is essential to deploy an effective Electronic commerce system (Jilani, 2017; Chaffey, 2015). The report critically evaluates 10 websites divided into 5 groups. Web based e-commerce provides companies with a global reach in a less expensive budget. In the recent time, the amount of web based transactions has increased creating necessity for a hardcore system. A better electronic commerce system will meet users based need. This report evaluates process of developing an effective e-commerce website (Einav, et al 2014). It further assesses several theoretical models from web based transaction, online users satisfaction and various web evaluation literatures. This will help in managing the E-commerce website quality, success of the business e-commerce undertaking. Consequently, to set up the quality of e-commerce websites, it is essential to utilise a model that adopts a qualitative, methodical and repeatable approach to e-commerce (Spencer, 2015). Group 1 E-Tailer Website Electronic tailing is the sale of goods and services through the internet. Electronic tailing include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales of products and services. The business is done through subscriptions to website content, or advertising. E-tailing necessitates businesses to tailor conventional business models to the speedily altering face of the internet and its users. Success of e-tailing depends upon strong branding, regular updates and meeting up with the changing customer needs. Products and services should stand out from the competition in order to add value to consumers. E-tailers use strong distribution efficiency to develop transparency (Laudon and Traverl, 2013; Da Costa, 2016). Co-op Limited The Co-op is one of the largest Australias Official suppliers of textbooks, educational, development and learning resources. Strength They provide with quality textbooks with a broad spectrum of university subjects, TAFE courses and study material of distinguished learning institutions. They supply different range offers that include nursing, law and business, engineering and psychology (Coop.2017). Weakness The website has restricted features and items variance available for the customers. Umart Online Umart Online is Australias largest computer store chain headquartered in Brisbane, Queensland. Strength It was founded in June 2000 and recognized as one of the most admired computer retailers by PC User magazine (Umart, 2017). Weakness Boring user interface Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria Co-op Umart Online Website provides with complete and relevant information about the product potential that the customers may want Yes, Co-op is providing with a wide range of products as promised (Chen, et al 2015). Though there are certain levels of possibilities to enhance the level of information. The website is providing with a wide range computer range to its customers at a discounted price. There are certain features where the customers can add on features according to their requirements. Details and information specification presented in the site are understandable by the common users The website is user friendly and attractive enough to engage users. The details of product are been given on the profile. The product related specification is been given under different heads. Users have an option to read the feedback. The site has helping functionalities for an easy understanding The search option at the top gives a smooth shopping experience. Key word option at the top provides customers with a smooth shopping experience. The site is providing with unique content from its competitors They enjoy monopoly in terms of their wide range of product availability. There is other competitor like Harvey Norman. It is one of the most trustworthy brands in Australia. Provides with a complete shipping details and information Exit getaway is user friendly. Shipping facility is available to almost every state. Shipping facility is user friendly and trustable. Provides with complete information on payment, procedures and policies A wide range of Payment options are available for the customers. website claim free delivery on all orders over $50 The website do not provide with any minimum buying limit for the customers. The site gives with feedback information on the product Yes, users have an option to review the product Yes, U-mart provides with an option to review the product Easy to navigate User friendly in terms of navigation Customers find it attractive and easily navigable. Site influences interactivity and encourage users participation Co-op is famous for its uniqueness in terms of educational information. They have restricted themselves to educational products. Provides with a wide range of computer electronic goods to the customers. Easy for customers to enter relevant information Customers can enter information according to their requirements. Product availability depends upon the supplier in the city. Recommendations: Co-op can add with effective features to add more users. In this way the company can add more features to their profile; Whereas Umart can work on providing a user friendly interface. Group 2 Content Provider Content provider manages access to the central repository. They are primarily intended to be used with the other applications by using the client object. Together they provide with a standard interface to handle data in a secured way. These websites are basically providing with a vast content to the readers. The Northern Star The Northern Star is a daily online newspaper providing with relevant day-to-day information. The newspaper is owned by APN News Media. Strength Readers can find information related to the current affairs (Northernstar. 2017). Weakness User interface is similar to that of the other online news platform. Advancing Computing as a Science Profession ACM is world's largest educational and scientific computing society, delivering resources related to advance computing and science. Strength It provides with a premier Digital Library and serves its members with innovative publications, conference, and career possessions (Advancing Computing as a Science Profession. 2017). Weakness Limited information Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria NorthernStar Advancing Computing as a Science Profession Authority The website is owned by Northern Star Ltd. It is providing with day to-day information to the readers The website is providing with a wide range educational and scientific data, delivering resources related to advance computing and science. The website is owned by ACM, Inc Purpose The website is user friendly and allows readers to read day-today local and international news. The website is providing with an advance computing and science The site has helping functionalities for an easy understanding The search option at the top gives a smooth surfing experience. Key word option at the top provides readers to find information related to science and technology. The site is providing with unique content from its competitors Excessive competition from other online content related websites. Enjoy monopoly in terms of content specified information. Coverage Covers vast section Limited section related to science and technology Objectivity The objective is to provide readers with relevant information The website provide readers with a premier Digital Library Accuracy Yes, data is accurate in terms of knowledge related information. Yes, the website provides with 100 percent accurate data through its digital library. The users can access the data through the library. Easy to navigate User friendly in terms of navigation Users find it attractive and easily navigable. Site influences interactivity and encourage users participation Northern star is famous for its uniqueness in terms of information. The wide range of information provided by them add a unique feature Provides with a wide range of knowledge based information. Easy for readers to get relevant information Readers can get content related information according to their requirements. Information related to science and technology is available as per the requirements. Recommendations: Northerstar should work on providing a unique user friendly interface. In This way they will be able to compete against others: whereas Advancing Computing as a Science Profession should add on other unique features. Group 3 Community Provider Community provider is a forum that provides users with a particular type of information. The users with a similar interest can join the forum for discussing any idea. These forums are important from the point of view of sharing knowledge based information. The forum is important to meet the problem that an individual come across while discussing issues. Whirlpool Whirlpool is an independent Australian website founded in 1998. They have significant range of registered account that range to 700,000. Strength It is primarily a discussion forum solving extra functionality such as broadband and related areas (Whirlpool.2017). Weakness Restricted information and reach Meetup Meetup brings people with a similar interest living in different cities together to do more of what they want to do in life. The organization is based on the unique concept of doing things in better manner. Strength It brings community together to do, discover, teach and learn the things that help them to explore (About Meetup. 2017). Weakness Still has a limited reach to people Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria Whirlpool Meetup Authority The website is owned by whirlpool group. It is an online forum for meeting broadband related issues. Meetup is a unique concept that permits users to discover themselves. The company is owned by group of people synchronizing unique concept. Purpose The website is user friendly and allows users to resolve common issues. The website is providing with unique business solution The site has helping functionalities for an easy understanding The search option allows users surfing experience. Impressive and attractive user friendly interface. The site is providing with unique content from its competitors Extreme competition from other online websites. Enjoy monopoly in terms of content concept. Coverage Covers vast section in broadband range Vast pool of option with unique specifications Objectivity The objective is to provide relevant information and a wide discussion forum The website provide users to share a unique ideas Accuracy Yes, data is accurate in provisos of knowledge Yes. The data is well and accurate. Easy to navigate User friendly in terms of navigation Users find it attractive and easily navigable. Site influences interactivity and encourage users participation Whirlpool is famous for its uniqueness in terms of information. Unique functionality Provides with a wide range of support. Easy for readers to get relevant information Based on relevant concept but a limited range data a unique concept for the users Recommendations: Whirlpools should create an attractive user interface; whereas Meetup should work on updating the content on their website Group 4 Market Creator The objective of a market creator is to Build digital environment where buyer and seller can meet, search for product, display products and establish prices for those products. The overall purpose of Market creator is to serve B2B and B2C. This help in generating revenues from transaction fees (Barnes and Hunt, 2013). GraysOnline GraysOnline is one of the largest industrial and commercial online auction businesses in Australasia. The company is offering with a huge range of engineering, consumer and commercial goods, direct from manufacturers. Strength They offer buyers with a great value and convenience to unlock price from their assets. Their online platform and commitment is to provide first-class customer service to make buying and selling simple, well-organized, and fair and clear (GraysOnline.2017). Weakness Excessive competition Alibaba Alibaba was launched in 1999 as It provides with a leading platform for global wholesale trade. Strength They are currently serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Their mission is to give suppliers with efficient tools in order to reach a global audience for their products. They are also helping buyers to find products and suppliers rapidly and professionally. The website brings hundreds of millions of products in over 40 different categories, together with consumer electronics, machinery and apparel (Alibaba.2017). Weakness Difficulty in coordinating with the suppliers Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria Grays(ONLINE) Alibaba Authority The website is owned by GraysOnline group. The company is offering with a huge range of engineering, consumer and commercial goods, direct from manufacturers. Alibaba is a leading platform for global wholesale trade. They are currently serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Purpose The website is user friendly and allows users to buy goods directly from the manufacturer. The website is worlds famous goods provider with a wide range of options The site has helping functionalities for an easy understanding The search option at the top gives a smooth surfing experience. Key word option at the top provides buyers to buy goods of their choice The site is providing with unique content from its competitors Excessive competition from other websites. Enjoy monopoly in terms of wideness. Coverage Covers vast section Covers a huge section by managing good relations with manufactures. Objectivity The objective is to provide all sort of goods at a cheap price One stop solution for all buyers. Accuracy Yes, information is accurate Yes, the website provides with accurate information for the buyers and sellers Easy to navigate User friendly in terms of navigation Users find it attractive and easily navigable. Site influences interactivity and encourage users participation Unique profile for the Provides with a wide range of products based information. Easy for readers to get relevant information Users can shop according to their requirements. portal providing users with a wider option range Recommendations: GraysOnline should improve its reach that will help in competing against others whereas Alibaba need to work on building strong relationship with the local supplier in order to precede quick delivery. Group 5 Transaction Broker Transaction Broker is the newest form of business transaction that has grown exponentially since the start of the 21st century. A transaction broker is to help both the buyer and the seller through negotiation. The broker earns commission by doing sales transactions (Strauss, 2016). Webjet limited Webjet limited is a travel booking website offering flights, hotels, holiday packages, cruises, car hire etc. The company is currently operating in Australia, New Zealand, North America, Singapore and Hong Kong (Webjet. 2017). Strength One stop solution for travel needs Weakness Excess competition Ticketmaster Ticketmaster is an online ticket sales and distribution company working in many countries around the world. Strength The Website has diversified into various booking functions. It is providing with a range of different services in order to provide with a one stop solution (Ticketmaster. 2017). Weakness Limited range of offers Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria Webjet limited Ticketmaster Authority The website is owned by Webjet limited. It is providing booking services. Ticketmaster providing with an ticket sales and distribution company working in many countries around the world. Purpose The website is user friendly and allows users to book tickets through a simple getaway The website is providing with a range of different services in order to provide with a one stop solution. The site has helping functionalities for an easy understanding The search option at the top gives a smooth surfing experience. Key word option at the top provides smooth surfing experience The site is providing with unique content from its competitors Excessive competition from other websites. Excess competition from other organizations Coverage Covers vast section Covers vast section in term of ticketing services Objectivity The objective is to provide users with an excellent experience The website provide with an easy solution Accuracy Yes, data is accurate Yes, the website provides users with an effective solution Easy to navigate User friendly in terms of navigation Users find it attractive and easily navigable. Site influences interactivity and encourage users participation The broad range of information provided by them add a unique feature Provides with a wide range of knowledge based information. Easy for readers to get relevant information Users can book their requirement from the one place A wide international platform for the users. Recommendations: Webjet should work on developing an attractive support system to promote customer interest whereas Ticketmaster need to work on the local needs of the customers. Conclusion To conclude, in the recent time E-commerce has gained advantage in the local as well as international market. Success of e- commerce depends upon strong branding, regular updates and meeting up with the changing customer needs. Products and services should stand out from the competition in order to add value to consumers. In order to meet up with the expectation it is necessary to critically evaluate the parameters like: objectivity, relevance, accuracy, purpose etc. There are sure pitfalls that are hindering the online websites. In order to increase the usability it is necessary to organize an effective Electronic commerce system to develop an attractive user friendly interface. References About Meetup. (2017).(ONLINE). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Advancing Computing as a Science Profession. (2017).(ONLINE) Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Alibaba.(2017). (Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Barnes, S. and Hunt, B. eds., 2013. E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Chaffey, D., 2015. Digital business and E-commerce management. Pearson Education Limited. Chen, J.V., Yen, D.C., Pornpriphet, W. and Widjaja, A.E., (2015). E-commerce web site loyalty: A cross cultural comparison. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(6), pp.1283-1299. Coop.2017. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 10 August 2017 Da Costa, E., (2016). Global e-commerce strategies for small businesses. Mit Press. Einav, L., Levin, J., Popov, I. and Sundaresan, N., (2014). Growth, adoption, and use of mobile E-commerce. The American economic review, 104(5), pp.489-494. GraysOnline. . (2017). (Online). Available at: Accessed on: 10 August 2017 Jilani, A.W., (2017. Usage and Effectiveness of E-Commerce Tool among Business-To-Consumer. International Journal of Engineering Science, 12086. Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G., 2013. E-commerce. Pearson. Northernstar. (2017). (Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Spencer, S.B., (2015). Privacy and Predictive Analytics in E-Commerce. Strauss, J., (2016). E-marketing. Routledge. Ticketmaster. (2017).( Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Umart, (2017). (Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Webjet. (2017).( Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017) Whirlpool.2017. (Online). Available at: (Accessed on: 10 August 2017)