Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Georges Bizet's Carmen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Georges Bizet's Carmen - Essay Example The other player in this ill-fated triangle is a celebrity matador named Escamillo, for whom Carmen discards the ruined Don Jos. The opera reaches its climax outside the arena where Escamillo is to challenge a bull. There, Don Jos confronts Carmen, begging for her to return to him, but she cruelly refuses. In his misery and loss, Don Jos stabs her to death. The opera ends as Escamillo, victorious from the ring, discovers the lifeless body of Carmen with a bloodied Don Jos sobbing over her. Several years ago, I attended a production of Carmen and, though it was sung in English, I had a great deal of difficulty following the story. In addition, I remember thinking that the English text sounded forced and contrived-almost humorous in places. In preparation for this assignment, and as a review of the opera, I viewed the Metropolitan Opera's 1987 production starring Agnes Baltsa in the title role. The opera was sung in French with English subtitles provided. What first struck me about the Met's production was how well the text and music seemed to mesh. Though I am by no means fluent in French, it was immediately apparent that the musical themes were much more intimately joined with the French text than was the case with the English version I had attended previously. One other surprise was the fact that the solos, particularly the better-known arias, are simply more lyrical when sung in French. As I mentioned, Carmen was my first foray into the world of opera, and while reviewing it, I was surprised at how much of the music I remembered. The opening bars of the Overture-the brisk, march-like theme heard again at the opening of Act IV-are unmistakable and remind me more of a Sousa march than an operatic overture. As well, I recognized the Act I aria sung by Carmen outside the cigarette factory (I have since learned that this piece is called Habanera) during which Don Jos first glimpses Carmen and falls in love with her. (The Metropolitan Opera 1) I suppose my opinions about opera in general have been that the music is overly dramatic, the women overly large, and the plot lines overly romanticized. I was surprised to find, while viewing the Met's production, that Carmen reversed these opinions. Agnes Baltsa as Carmen was beautiful, seductive and captivating. Her rich mezzo-soprano was remarkably agile, particularly in the Habanera. Jos Carreras, as Don Jos, was handsome and masculine. Bizet scored this role for a tenor, but Carreras' voice seemed to me more of a high baritone, as his tone was rich and full, even in the upper register. His portrayal of the poor discredited and discarded corporal was compelling, and I was drawn into his tragedy to the point that, by the final act, I was ready to "do in" Carmen myself. The Metropolitan Opera production of 1987 was lavish in its costuming and staging-more so certainly than the live production I had attended. The trade-off, of course, is that the scope of the stage production was much greater, even if the costuming, sets, etc. were not. The plot and stage action of Carmen are fast-paced. There are a great many people moving across the stage-villagers, children, soldiers, smugglers, bull

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Case Study Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Case Study Evaluation - Essay Example As per the latest reports presented by the World Travel and Tourism Council, The sector has been demonstrating annual growth of 14% and also comprises of numerous tourism and leisure related projects which are worth more than ?35 billion. It is also important to mention that the tourism sector in Dubai comprises of 22.6% of the annual GDP of the Emirates (Dubai Update, 2008, p.1). The most important and prominent reason for the development of the sector is the location of the Dubai. Dubai is located between two of the major world tourism markets, namely, Asia and Europe. It does not take more than six or seven hours to fly from these regions to Dubai. This is coupled with the fact that is the home base of the Emirates which is one of the best airlines in the world. Accessibility accounts for one of the key factors for travelers and the location of Dubai at the gateway towards the Middle East provides major advantage to the region in terms of attracting visitors in the region. Coupled with sunshine round the year, world class infrastructure, high quality of services and also the best facilities of spas, restaurants, hotels and shops, Dubai accounts for an extremely popular and attractive destination for the ever increasing number of tourists. The place has been extremely effective in attracting tourists from across the globe which also accounts for one of the major reasons for the development of the tourism sector in the region. The increase in the number of tourists visiting the place since 1982 gets revealed through the following figure. Figure 1: International tourist arrivals in Dubai between 1982 and 2004 (Source: Henderson, 2006, p.3) Tourists have gradually gained extensive knowledge about the place and have developed a favorable impression about the place too. This has generated motivation among the tourists to visit the place and stay in a place which offers safety and security. Authorities have also played a major role in developing the safety and secu rity of the place and made huge public investments also. They have also actively implemented pro-tourism policies which have further provided a stimulus for the growth of the place through tourism. As apparent from the figure the rate of tourist visitors have remained substantially high in the region. The huge developmental potential of the place has also driven its tourism growth rapidly. As per the information provided by the WTCC, Middle East accounts for the only region in the world which achieved a growth of 7% in its tours and travel sector. This accounts for a total of approximately ?125 billion. This growth has also been able to generate and sustain 10.3% of employment of the region which corresponds to generation of roughly 5.7 million numbers of jobs (Dubai Update, 2008, p.2). Potential issues involved during the development of tourism Political and economic stabilities are few of the primary issues which could retard the progress of the tourism sector of any nation. Insta bility in the above two aspects might lead to volatility and disturbances which would deter not only tourists from visiting the place